medical news:-VR sex soon to be popular as smartphone. Tech News
Teledildonic-powered VR sex soon to be as popular as smartphone. Tech News
nano microchipped lovense can be made to broadcast
actual sensations back to viewers for online mutual enjoyment called
teledildonics .sorry i am already beaten to this discovery by CAMSODA
Jan 24, 2018 - The latest example comes from adult webcam site CamSoda, which from today is using VR headsets and internet-connected sex toys to offer ...
Adult cam site CamSoda will offer ‘virtual with real people’ using dolls and VR
Sex and technology make for strange, if frequent,
bedfellows. The latest example comes from adult webcam site CamSoda,
which from today is using VR headsets and internet-connected sex toys to
offer what it calls “virtual intercourse with real people” (or VIRP for short).
It works like this. Performers on the site will use
Wi-Fi-enabled vibrators that connect to “male masturbators” owned by
paying viewers. Whatever happens to the vibrator sensation-wise is sent
to the masturbator as “pressure data,” supposedly mimicking the feel of
intercourse. This is established technology (it’s called teledildonics)
and not a new offering for CamSoda. But the company is also adding the option of putting these masturbators inside life-size sex dolls and
strapping themselves into virtual reality headsets. It’s the
combination of all these elements, claims CamSoda VP Daryn Parker in a
press statement, that leads to the “ultimate sensory experience, one
that mimics real-life interaction.”
Well, perhaps. It’s doubtful for a start how many people
will actually go for the full VIRP experience, considering that the sex
doll-maker CamSoda has partnered with, RealDoll, sells its wares for
thousands of dollars. Users will also need to own the only supported
male masturbator (the $99 LoveSense Max) and a VR headset (although even a cheap device like Google Cardboard will do the trick).
The “ultimate sensory sex experience,” according to CamSoda.
Image: CamSoda
Speaking to The Verge over email, Parker admits
that the sex dolls and VR are optional and that only “approximately” 30
percent of the company’s 300-odd webcam models have the required Wi-Fi
enabled vibrator. But, he says, CamSoda users definitely want to try
this sort of experience, and it can be as cheap as just the price of the
male masturbator. “We know there is an audience because we hear it from
our users and models. They are seeking ways to get closer and have more
physical interaction,” says Parker. “We’ve had a number of employees,
beta users, and models try out the experience. All of them were blown
away by the interactive capabilities.”
Judging by some of the press shots CamSoda provided, the
experience might be a little more stilted than Parker makes out. But we
assume users’ mileage will differ based on how comfortable and
interested they are in using these sorts of props in the first place.
CamSoda says it’s also working on a version for female users.
As for the charge of whether this technology might just
strike most people as weird and unnecessary, Parker is bullish about its
future prospects. “Fifteen years ago people thought cell phones were
weird and unnecessary. Look at them today,” he says. “While there may be
some initial hesitation, I anticipate people acquiescing and seeing
this for what it is — an awesome product that fulfills people’s deepest
So there you have it. Teledildonic-powered VR sex with life-size dolls: soon to be as popular and ubiquitous as the smartphone.
9 predictions on the Future of Sex As We Once Knew It are:
Adult performers and some B-list celebrities will sell robotic replicas of themselves designed for sex by 2033
One in 10 young adults will have had sex with a humanoid robot by 2045
By 2028 over a quarter of young people will have had a long-distance sexual experience
3D-printed body parts of your lover, enabled with touch feedback, will add intense realism to long-distance sex by 2025
First dates in motion-capture virtual worlds will become popular by 2022
By 2024 people will be able to be anybody, with anybody, enacting impossible fantasies in photo-realistic virtual worlds
Brain-to-brain interfaces will allow partners to stimulate each other to reach orgasm directly by 2027
Sci-Fi sex fantasies will spring to life as people can enhance their
biology and merge with machines to become superhuman sex idols
By 2020 people will regularly pair virtual reality and haptic sex toys to fully immersive themselves into adult entertainment
For comprehensive insights into where sex is headed, read the full report here:
Source: Ross Dawson & Jenna Owsianik
Nov 18, 2016 - Within the next 30 years, for example, 10 percent of us will have had sex with an android. By 2020, our dates will take place in virtual reality.
Oct 5, 2015 - This is the bleak prediction of futurologist Dr Ian Pearson, who also believes that by 2030, most people will have some form of virtual sex using ...
Mar 29, 2016 - When I was 13, I picked up the first issue of a new Australian games magazine called Hyper. Inside was a story—predicting the ways we'd all ...
Mar 31, 2018 - “Please, oh please, let Ready Player One make VR look cool. ... it's predicted that AR and VR headsets will merge and become one device. ... want to be”, whatever appearance, ethnicity, background, gender, sex, or species.
Jan 7, 2016 - Analyst firm SuperData has predicted that we'll spend $5.1bn on VR hardware and software in 2016, .... And when pornography feels like sex.
Jan 12, 2017 - From virtual fantasies to human augmentation, the Future of Sex looks ... driving the sex tech industry, including predictions on what to expect in ...
In terms of determining or predicting the gender identity of the subject so labeled? Yes, and here Pratt would agree with Rothblatt that the "apartheid of sex" has ...
Nov 16, 2016 - What to Expect 10 Virtual Sex Future of Sex Prediction 2022 First dates in motion-capture virtual worlds will become popular by 2022 By 2024 ...
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