to Forbes, a small team of Israeli scientists are claiming that they
are in the final stages of developing the world's first 'complete' cure
for cancer.
Israeli Scientists Claim To Have Found A ‘Complete Cure’ For Cancer & It’ll Be Available By 2020
According to Forbes,
a small team of Israeli scientists are claiming that they are in the
final stages of developing the world's first 'complete' cure for cancer.
The revolutionary cure, dubbed MuTaTo, is being developed by
Accelerated Evolution Biotechnologies Ltd. and will apparently be
available for cancer patients early next year.
cancer cure will be effective from day one, will last a duration of a
few weeks and will have no or minimal side-effects at a much lower cost
than most other treatments on the market. Our solution will be both
generic and personal.
The scientists also claim that it will be cheap and effective and will have minimal side-effects.
reportedly uses a combination of cancer-targeting peptides and a unique
toxin that only targets and terminates cancer cells. It leaves alone
healthy cells and tissues in the process.
100 percent cancer cure has been developed by Israeli scientists who
claim the treatment should be available for everyone by early next year.
The treatment is ...
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